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Updated prototype of the Tesla truck  An outstanding vehicle

Updated prototype of the Tesla truck An outstanding vehicle

In the past days, the California highway 580 had the chance to witness the up-to-date Class 8 all-electric truck from Tesla and it caused a big impression. The comparison between Tesla Semi and current diesel trucks across the road was remarkable especially because of the vehicle`s futuristic design and distinctive sound.

The vehicle produces a sound different from the other tractor trailers, is not like a roar of a massive internal combustion, it`s a very futuristic sound. People say that it`s very similar to a jetliner. That, in addition to its impressive appearance, astonished the drivers who witnessed its ride.

The updated specifications weren`t released yet, but it`s known that Tesla Semi`s electric motors have the capacity to push the truck, without carrying a trailer, from 0 to 60 mph in only 5 sec.

The Tesla Semi that was spotted in the road was also equipped by aero skirts, with an apparent distance of only 1 or 2 inches from to the floor. This new component wasn`t featured in the previous prototypes but it`s an addition that makes the vehicle even more efficient.

Please visit the official website to learn more about Tesla Semi:

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Edic.: 181
Autor: El Trailero Magazine
Date: 8/2022
