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The Best Time of the Day for a Truck Driver to have Sex

The Best Time of the Day for a Truck Driver to have Sex

How interesting is this topic, truckers? Attention, truck drivers! According to experts and studies carried out, the best time to have a satisfactory sexual encounter is early morning, around 5:00 am, which is a convenient time for truck drivers who need to get up very early.
Morning sex can be very pleasurable and can provide many benefits such as a more comfortable drive, renewed energy, having a better attitude, not getting stuck in traffic, and smiling every time a load is dropped off or picked up.
Experts say that 5:00 am is the ideal time to have sex since the human body has more accumulated energy and the sexual act releases endorphins that help reduce both blood pressure and stress. This helps make the intense work day of a truck driver more bearable and makes them feel more optimistic.
Many truck drivers set aside their moments of intimacy due to their day-to-day commitments and postpone intimacy until the end of the day, something that is done commonly by all couples. However, one thing many people don´t notice is that at the end of the day, when you want to be intimate, your partner may not share the mood with you because they are stressed out and fatigued by the day´s work, which can lead to a mechanical and monotonous life.
Main benefits of morning sex:
- Renewed energy that turns into health, since it activates movement of the body, heart and improved circulation.
- Wakes up the mind since orgasm releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter related to decision-making. Dopamine is also related to other brain functions such as mood, attention, memory, motor activity, sleep, and pleasure, among others. All of these are elements that greatly benefit the truck driver´s demanding work.
- Activates oxytocin, the hormone that is responsible for generating happiness in the body. By releasing oxytocin in the body after orgasm, it will make the trucker´s day on the road much happier.
- Produces an analgesic effect that will benefit the truck driver in his/her day and intense work routine. In addition, it will increase their concentration when it comes to maneuvering an 18-tire truck.
Friends, this topic is to raise awareness of the intimate union between couples. It is important to find a schedule for intimacy outside of children´s responsibilities, work, and housework. It is a good idea to look for a different place where you both feel calm and where no one can bother you. This tranquility will allow you to find your libido and excitement at full potential. Get out of your routine or seek professional help. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

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Edic.: 196
Autor: El Trailero Magazine
Date: 11/2023
